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Yarna CWD24 is a Patented alternative water softner for homes that treats water with electric pulses generated within the electronic unit and controlled by a micro-chip! These pulses are transmitted via our Ultra Flat Impulse Bands which breakdown crystals that would otherwise buildup into limescale, which can break appliances
Yarna CWD24 is a Patented alternative water softner for homes that treats water with electric pulses generated within the electronic unit and controlled by a micro-chip! These pulses are transmitted via our Ultra Flat Impulse Bands which breakdown crystals that would otherwise buildup into limescale, which can break appliances
Yarna CWD24 is a Patented alternative water softner for homes that treats water with electric pulses generated within the electronic unit and controlled by a micro-chip! These pulses are transmitted via our Ultra Flat Impulse Bands which breakdown crystals that would otherwise buildup into limescale, which can break appliances